FIAU’s Supervisory Examinations and Best Practices for DNFBPs – (RECORDING AVAILABLE)

Past Events

FIAU’s Supervisory Examinations and Best Practices for DNFBPs – (RECORDING AVAILABLE)


Virtual Training

The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) is hosting a webinar on the FIAU’s Supervisory Examinations and Best Practices. It will last one hour and will be of interest to all subject persons, particularly the Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs); which encompasses Notaries, Lawyers, Accountants, Auditors, Trustees, Fiduciaries, Corporate Service Providers and Real Estate agents.

The webinar’s aim is to assist subject persons by shedding more light on supervisory examinations, why they are conducted and how they take place. It will deal with the process that takes place during the examination (from the initial notification until the final report) as well as advice on best practices to be adopted.

The webinar is being provided free of charge, and interested persons may register for the session.  Owing to the registration limit, it is being recommended that only one person from each subject person registers for the sessions.

Interested persons may watch a recorded version of the webinar which will be shared by the FIAU following its completion.


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