Disclaimer and Copyright


The website of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) contains regularly updated information on, and related to, the Unit’s functions and activities.

The FIAU assumes no responsibility and does not guarantee that the information contained in the website is comprehensive, complete and accurate.

Before acting on the website’s contents, especially when affecting business relationships or transactions, it is highly recommended that the information on the website is checked. The FIAU is not responsible or liable for any consequences or losses arising out of actions taken in relation to the contents of the Unit’s website.

The FIAU makes no warranty or representation, whether express or implied, as to the continuity of service and reserves the right to suspend, terminate or otherwise alter access to some or all the site’s services at any time and without notice.


The user is granted permission to make use of the Unit’s web pages, save files, distribute and reproduce pages. However, the source needs to be acknowledged and the material not altered or distorted in any way.

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