12th May 2023
Following the issuance of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU)’s guidance note entitled ‘A Look Through the Obligation of Transaction Monitoring’ in April 2023, the FIAU is, in collaboration with the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), organising a full day training session that will be held on 6th June 2023. The event is targeted at subject persons which process payments for and on behalf of customers, including but not limited to, banks and other depository institutions, electronic money (e-money) institutions, payment service providers (PSPs), and merchant acquiring companies.
The training session aims to further highlight the importance of transaction scrutiny and reinforce subject persons’ understanding of this obligation. The session will provide practical guidance on effective transaction monitoring measures and systems that subject persons should strive to implement, to fulfil their legal obligations. Complementing this, the session will also feature case studies to provide participants with real-life scenarios and the best practices to be adopted.
In addition to the training and case studies, the event will include a panel discussion involving speakers from both the private sector and regulatory authorities.
Further details, including information on the registration and agenda, will be provided shortly.