Registration will open on Thursday 30th January 2025, at 11:00am.
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) would like to inform subject persons that it will be organising a half day (a.m.) training session on Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML). This session will be targeting Accountants and Auditors and will be CPE accredited.
The purpose of this training session is to increase the understanding of TBML among subject persons operating in this sector, while enhancing their ability to detect potential TBML and ultimately report transactions and activities linked to TBML suspicion.
The full agenda may be found here.
This half day training session will be held in-person (live) on Wednesday 26th February 2025 at the InterContinental Hotel, St Julians and will be limited to a maximum of 150 participants from the mentioned sector.
The registration fee for this event is € 70 (inc. welcome refreshments and coffee break).
Certificates of attendance will be emailed to all participants.
Kindly note that videos and photos will be taken throughout the event and may be subsequently circulated on selected social and other media channels, for PR purposes. Kindly reach out to the organising team on [email protected] in case you would like to opt-out.