Information Sessions on the new EU AML Legislative Package
3rd, 4th and 5th April 2024
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit is organizing three half-day information sessions to provide subject persons with an update on the new EU AML Legislative Package. Specific attention will be given to recent developments concerning the Regulation establishing a new EU AML Authority, the AML Regulation, and the AML Directive. The discussions will particularly highlight the sector-specific impacts of these changes.
Training Session on the newly published Enforcement Factsheet
15th February 2024
During this event, speakers from the FIAU provided subject persons with insights relating to the application of their AML/CFT obligations as highlighted through the Enforcement Factsheet, and an update in relation to the guidance note issued in April 2023 in relation to transaction monitoring.
The National Risk Assessment – What now for Subject Persons? Information Session by the NCC and the FIAU
12th February 2024
To further assist subject persons in this regard, the National Coordinating Committee (‘NCC’) and the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (‘FIAU’) held three sessions, each dedicated to a particular category of subject persons, to explain the process and methodology underlining the NRA and how the results are to be factored into their risk assessment and understanding processes.
The 2023 AML/CFT Real Estate Conference
30th November 2023
During this conference, speakers from the FIAU, SMB, ARB, the Real Estate Licensing Board and the AML Committee of the Notarial Council provided subject persons operating in the investment services sector with insights and updates relating to the application of their AML/CFT obligations.
The 2023 AML/CFT Conference for the Investment Services Sector
24th October 2023
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit organised a full day AML/CFT Conference for the Investment Services Sector including also Collective Investment Schemes. During this conference, speakers from the FIAU, MFSA, SMB and MASA provided subject persons operating in the investment services sector with insights and updates relating to the application of their AML/CFT obligations.
The 2023 AML/CFT Conference for the Gaming Sector
29th September 2023
On the 29th September 2023 the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit organised an AML/CFT Conference for the Gaming Sector. The event targeted gaming operators, including land-based ones, who are considered as subject persons.
Training Session on Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism Typologies
18th April 2023
This session was intended to increase the awareness of types of Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting of Funding of Terrorism (AML/CFT) predicate offences that are impacting Malta. Hence, one of the main objectives of this session was for subject persons to gain more understanding and ability to target associated illicit financial flows.